Ok everyone when you use your moderator rights on any posts or topics you must post it here, there are no exceptions. so for example if i deleted a post from the questions forum all i will do in this topic is :
Category: Miscellaneous
Forum: Questions
Topic: Members list
Post by: (here you put the name of the person who wrote the post)
Action: Deleted (or if you edited the post then put edited, etc.)
and if you are moving posts and topics then follow the same structure, also if you are editing any posts then you must write in the box that says reason for editing and obviously post it here.
Also another thing is that if the post you are deleting etc is a competition related reason then please add that to the structure and also please show the warnings, so if one person has spammed and one of you has deleted his post and you should add to the structure:
Competition Related: Yes
No. Warnings: 1
and also if another incident has happend with the same person then add a warning in your post so the next post could say:
Competition Related: Yes
No. Warnings: 2
and so on and eventually if the number of warnings reaches 3 then you must PM either myself or undead to that we may take action to this and act accordingly.
so if you all stick to this rule then the moderation should run smoothly.